Sup Warriors Apps

Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Fusion 1.2
Sup Warriors
Game delivers an extreme 3Dfightingexperience, with over 150 playable characters, enhancedfightingtechniques, beautifully refined effects and shadingtechniques,making each character's effects more realistic, and over20 battlestages.Though they may not always get the credit they deserve, there'snodenying the driving force of excellence that anime fightershavebeen putting forth over the last few years in gaming.Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Fusion may just be that game. Not because it'sapoor effort by any means, but because so much of it is rehashfromthe previous game, and what is new isn't always an improvementoverBT2. The roster now stands at 161 fighters, the game includesnewday/night levels , and a few new tactics for seasoned fighterstomake use of, but in the end the core experience is identicaltoprevious versions, and there's even some content lost alongtheway.Take a look at the main story mode, for example. In Tenkaichi3,story mode made up a simply ridiculous mass of content,includingmore battles than any sane person would ever care tocomplete. Youhad every saga, every possible battle within eachepisode of theshow, and a never-ending list of fights to enjoybecause ofit.The game's scripted sequences are now handled in-engine, sowhilethe overall flow of the story is well integrated with thebattlesnow, they're also restricted a ton. Only two fighters areshown onthe screen at once, and with some scenes utilizing over ahalfdozen characters at once the actual storytelling istotallygimped.Characters also have a self-recharging numeric gauge calledBlastStock that allows players to use techniques called Blast 1skills.Blast 1 skills usually have a supportive effect such asallowingcharacters to regain health or immobilize the enemy.Players canalso power up into a mode called Max Power Mode normallybybuilding up their Ki beyond full at the cost of Blast Stockbars.Max Power Mode makes the character that initiated itfaster,stronger, and able to use moves that are exclusive to themode. Oneof these moves is the Ultimate Blast which is usually themostpowerful move a character has, though use of any Blast 2 skillorthe Ultimate Blast immediately ends Max Power Mode.
Vegeta Fighting: Tenkaichi War 1.2
Sup Warriors
This game is a series of fighting gamesbasedon the anime.At first glance, you might think there's a good amount of depthtothe fighting system. The training section you can access fromthemain menu has dozens of entries about full-power smashes,vanishingattacks, ultimate supers, chain burst mode, and all sortsof otherthings.You can perform close-up melee attacks or fire off long-distancekiblasts, reflect your opponents' offensives with a well-timed tapofthe block button, and dash around the environment in the blinkofan eye. Holding the L button charges up your ki, and flashyanddevastating super attacks like Goku's kamehameha andVegeta'sgalick gun, which consume ki, are all done with simplebuttoninputs.But it also means that one battle feels very much like another,andthe action quickly loses its appeal. Because there'slittledifference in how the characters handle, the 70-characterrosteralso doesn't lend the game much variety or replayvalue.The games are quite different from the often-comparedBudokaiseries, each form is treated as its own character, withvaryingstats, movesets and fighting styles. In battle, players canbuildup their Ki gauge to execute various techniques such as thePowerGuard, which reduces the damage characters take by 1/4The big new feature in this outing is the introduction ofteambattles. In addition to one-on-one matches, characters can teamupfor two-on-one or two-on-two fights. Having two opponents todealwith flying around at once makes the action a bit moreexciting,and when playing with up to three friends using the adhocmultiplayer option, the ability to coordinate with a teammatetodefeat your opponents more effectively gives the battles a bit ofatactical feel.The Ki gauge can also be used to use moves referred to as Blast2skills. Every character has a unique set of Blast 2 skillsthatallow the character to use special moves such as Ki blastsandphysical attacks. Players can also power up into a mode calledMaxPower Mode normally by building up their Ki beyond full at thecostof Blast Stock bars.There are no restrictions to but the last match of the CellGamesmode is always against Perfect Cell. In Tenkaichi 1 winningthetournaments gave players a Z-Item prize while in Tenkaichi2,players would receive money which in turn would be used onZ-Items.The World Tournament mode could be played with severalentrants,but if there is more than one human player, no prize wouldbeawarded. Other features in the game includes more combo attacksorcharacter specific combos, the Blast Combos, and the ZBurstDash.The Blast Combo is the normal combos however by inputtinganotherbutton into the attack will allow the player to use a blastattackfor extra damage. Depending on the moves of the character,theplayer might not be able to use this feat such as Videl orHercule.The Z Burst Dash is much faster and more evasive version oftheDragon Dash. It allows the user to get behind the opponent athighspeeds for either a strike or to avoid a blast 2 attack.Thedrawback to this technique is that it will rapidly drain theplayerof energy. The player can fuse characters to make abettercharacter but some characters can not be fused.[Characters]- Vegeta vs Goku- Vegeta vs Frieza
Goku - Frieza Saga Tenkaichi 2 1.3
Sup Warriors
Goku vs Frieza Saga was the prince andtheemperor of the universe, who controlled his own imperial armyandwas feared for his ruthlessness and power. He was the descendantofChilled, the second son of King Cold, the younger brotherofCooler, and the father of Kuriza. Frieza is the catalystantagonistof the entire franchise, as it is his actions that led toGokuarriving on Earth.Frieza is one of the villains in the series who possesses anentirerange of transformations, each one being quite different thantheothers. It is implied by Vegeta and Frieza himself in theseriesthat Frieza's fourth, most powerful form is actually hisoriginalform, with the other three being forms that suppress andconservehis enormous power.Frieza's final form was purposefully made to look small andlessmenacing: Toriyama wanted to go against the expectationthatvillains and monsters become bigger and meaner looking thestrongerthey are, Frieza usually wears battle armor with a purplechestplate, Frieza wears his race's ultimate Bio Suit, the ZFightingSuit. When in his Mecha form his body is equipped with apermanentCosmic Suit.At his core, Frieza relishes death, agony, and destruction, asheshows in his enjoyment of Planet Vegeta's annihilation, as wellashis maniacal glee when twice attempting to blow up Planet Namek.Heis noted as being one of the most sadistic characters intheseries, and often tries to make his enemies suffer before hekillsthem. On a related note, although obviously not to the extentofCellDespite his cold-heartedness and numerous observations byothercharacters that he cares about no one but himself, Frieza doesmakeseveral displays of respect towards his father, King Cold. Itisstated in a Tenkaichi 3 biography that Cold is in factstrongerthan FriezaHowever, this respect is not absolute, as even after King Coldisintroduced, Frieza continues to dub himself the most powerfulbeingof his time, despite his own admission that his father wasable tocause him pain in his final form. In addition, when he wasrevived,he specifically refused his soldier's suggestion that theyreviveKing Cold due to thinking he failed.* Flight – The ability of flight through the manipulationofki.* Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.* Eye Laser – Precise laser-like beam shot from the eyes.Mildpotency, but fast and able to nullify lesser attacks andsmallprojectiles, as well as destroy weaker opponents andobstacles. Itwas used by Frieza to enter the hut of the NamekianGrand Elder,Guru, while seeking the Tenkaichi, in battle with Goku,and againstKing Vegeta's Elite Saiyan army who would try to savePrince Vegetafrom Frieza (shortly before he destroyed Planet Vegetaand justafter he killed King Vegeta with one blow).* Death Comet – A technique used by Frieza during Namek Saga.WhenFrieza is unable to control his anger at the fact that Vegetastolehis Tenkaichi, he starts firing massive spheres of energythatdemolish the Namekian countryside.* Whirlwind Blow – Frieza used this attack against three Nameksbylightly blowing, which produced strong winds that formed atornado.Since he was seen to only use this once in his weakestform, it mayhint he only uses it on feeble opponents.* Punishing Rush – This is an attack used by Frieza in theBudokaiTenkaichi series. Part of this attack was used in Frieza'sfightwith Nail in the Frieza Saga.